Thursday, 31 July 2014

Sundae night

Tuesday evening we had just finished age group time and were sat in a circle in the art barn when suddenly reville blows. There's a moment of silence as the girls figure out what's happening then it hits them, they scream and run in a huge stampede towards the main house with the knowledge there's huge amounts of ice cream and toppings waiting for them.

Of course personally I would have made it on a Sunday night because I'm a sucker for a good pun but then again it wouldn't have been much of a surprise that way. The ice cream consumption was loud but in comparison to the legends of previous years it was very very tame. Ice cream was painted on to people's faces instead of thrown across the room and most people were seated instead of running around whilst eating. I was also sat at the calmest table with 5 other counsellors and one camper, so I got to eat my ice cream with no stress.

It was good fun and the campers loved it and were very hyped up afterwards but luckily I was not on hill that night so was able to leave the madness of trying to calm girls down enough to sleep.

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