Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Trustees weekend.

Saturday was a big day at Aloha. The morning started off with us covering campers faces in plaster of paris at the art barn as we made masks which was great fun and felt a little strange but now I do have a mask molded perfectly(ish) to my face. Then late afternoon and into the evening we had All Aloha night at Lanikila which is when all of the three residential camps get together and see parts of each others show from the weekend before and have dinner and dance. It was lots of fun and my favorites part by far was when we got to see part of Lanikila's show again! Lanikila did a show called the Pyjama game which I saw on show weekend and loved so much. It's basically about a pyjama factory who is petitioning for 7 and a half cents raise but then the leaded of the group falls in love with the superintendent of the factory (drama right!) and there are some great songs that are just great fun. Oh and of course the majority of the characters are female and its put on by a boys camp of ages 8-14... HILARIOUS!
Captivated by the entertainment.
After taps we then had the trustees party with all the trustees and counsellors of all the camps. That wad a lot of fun. It was held in the art barn which we had spent time cleaning and decorating and it looked fantastic! It was a good evening and I had a nice time chatting with other counsellors and some of the trustees.

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