Wednesday 11 June 2014

Plan, Shop, Pack.

The week before a holiday is always a little hectic and whilst this week has been a bit stressful I am also getting more excited then I can explain in words!
I'm all packed which has been the easiest part so far. I'm taking approximately 2 weeks of clothes as I'm unsure how much access I'll have to a laundrette when I'm travelling but haven't stressed too much about what to take as I figure I can buy anything extra I need fairly easily once I'm there. I'm taking my kindle fire with me as this will be my main form of communication and only access to the internet when travelling. I've brought some union Jack flags to decorate my bunk and try convert campers to GB patriots, and if the flags don't do it I'm hoping the selection of English chocolate and sweets including Jaffa cakes, wagon wheels and wine gums I'm taking will do.
As for the more important things (not that chocolate isn't important) I've double, triple and quadruple checked I've got the necessary paperwork and am writing all numbers I might possibly need in a notebook I'm taking. Better safe than sorry right?

My main problems have come in the form of money complications (typical). I applied for a caxton card for an easy, safe and cheap way to spend money in the states but it was delivered to my old address the week after moved out and it was only forwarded on at the start of this week and has yet to arrive! I also have spent a large chunk of my week trying to tell my bank I'll be in the states over the summer in case I do end up using my card but this took 3 phones calls and 4 trips to the bank over 3 days!

Whilst shopping and organizing all the necessary things my mum said she wanted to buy me a birthday present as I'm in the states over my 20th birthday and she suggested getting a charm in honour of america. So we went to Pandora and after a bit of debating I choose a statue of liberty charm so I had something that was specifically linked with where I'm going and not just a generic travel themed charm.
Sporting my CA band along with my new charm
I can't believe I've only got another 4 days to wait! I cannot wait! I've been checking what the weather's like in Vermont (it's sunny), counting down the hours still I take off (91) and downloading the perfect playlist for the journey (including tunes such as "party in the USA" and "Summer of 69").

Next time I write a post here I will be over 3000 miles away and I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get to some internet or even have enough time to write a post once in America but I will try my best to document as much of my experience as possible. See you on the flip side!

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