Saturday 13 September 2014

A few tib-bits about America.

Be careful when crossing the road! It might be a red light for the cars but that won't stop them! It's perfectly legal for cars to turn right at red lights and they never get in trouble unless they actually it someone.

If you are getting the bus anywhere allow at least an extra hour from you scheduled time of arrival as it will arrive very late! This may just be my experience but my bus from Northampton to New York arrived an hour and a half late and my bus Miami to Orlando was an hour late! They were different journeys and different bus companies neither journey had any traffic so I can only assume Americans are very optimistic people when it comes to travel times.

A lot of restaurants and shops don't like dealing in small change so if your bill comes to $16.21 and you pay with a $20 bill they will often give you $4 change saving you a few cents. It's not much but when you're travelling every cent counts.

There's no such thing as squash or cordial in America and its tricky to try to describe it. I did find something similar which was the same concept but with a powder. The powder comes in sachets but don't make the mistake my friend did and use 1 sachet for 1 glass as it will be incredibly strong. Actually rather inconveniently 1 sachet mixes to make a pitcher of that drink so if you're only making yourself a glass you're left with an open sachet that will spill everywhere.

As technology moves foward so does our bathroom hygiene as automatic flush systems prevents the need to touch anything with get my hands. The system I had always been used to in England was one where you wave your hand over a sensor when you would like to flush the loo, however as I found out in America it's basically the opposite. The sensor picks you up when you sit down then when you move away it will automatically flush. The first tine it happens (especually when you aren't prepared for it) it's makes you jump. Beware though it sometimes gets confused and will just flush whilst you're still sat down.

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